34 research outputs found


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    In the development of software engineering, many known modeling languages, which aims for a software to convey information effectively and efficiently. Unified modeling language (UML), one of which perform visual modeling of the depiction of the interaction between elements in the system. UML itself has several methods of visualizing a system. Rational Unified Process (RUP) is an example of UML method. RUP is a method of modeling by applying the phases in its processes, namely inception, Elaboration, construction and transition. The difference with other methods, namely by applying the existing phases, then the modeling will be very structured and very detailed, even to know the stages of change that occurred in the modeling. The results of this research is the creation of a tool that can be used to learn about the router, which is to perform global simulation configuration on the router so that it can reduce the level of syntax errors in the string that will be integrated into certain modes contained in such user CISCO Router mode, privileged mode, global configuration mode (config mode), interface modes, and the show running config.Keywords : GUI, RUP, UML, Java, Router Configuration, Routin

    Augmented Reality Markerless in Cultural Heritage of Menara Kudus Android Based

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    Kudus has a slogan Gusjigang "Bagus Ngaji Dagang". This is because Kudus is one of the cities that is granted 2 Sunan namely Sunan Kudus and Sunan Muria. One of Sunan Kudus's remains is the Holy Tower. Where to be one of the protected cultural heritage by the government. Many cultures in the city of Kudus make the city of Kudus become one of the religious tourism destinations. As technology evolves, the cultural blend of the sacred Tower is packed into a three-dimension combined with augmented reality technology. With the marker less method, the preservation of the culture of the Tower of the Holy became one of the world's cultural heritage


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    Mencari Perguruan Tinggi Swasta yang sesuai dan terbaik untuk kita tidaklah gampang, kita harus mencari informasi di Perguruan Tinggi – Perguruan Tinggi yang kita datangi kemudian membandingkannya dan memilih Perguruan Tinggi Swasta mana yang cocok dengan kita. Sistem Pendukung Keputusan adalah suatu sistem interaktif berbasis komputer yang dapat membantu para pengambil keputusan dalam menggunakan data dan model untuk memecahkan persoalan yang bersifat tidak terstruktur. Sistem Pendukung Keputusan dengan Proses Analitik Hirarkik (AHP) digunakan untuk memecahkan suatu persoalan dalam suatu kerangka berpikir yang terorganisir, sehingga memungkinkan dapat diekspresikan untuk mengambil keputusan yang efektif atas persoalan tersebut. Persoalan yang kompleks dapat disederhanakan dan dipercepat proses pengambilan keputusannya. Sistem Pendukung Keputusan ini dibuat sebagai bahan pembantu pendukung keputusan user / calon Mahasiswa untukmenentukan Perguruan Tinggi Swasta mana yang akan dimasukiKata Kunci: AHP, Pendukung keputusa

    An Android mobile RC4 simulation for education

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    Technological developments affect society lifestyles in various ways; for example, students and lecturers commonly have Android-based mobile phones, but do not make maximum use of them. An Android-based RC4 cryptographic algorithm simulation application was developed for educational purposes in a university setting. This development increases the benefits of an Android-based device by helping students to learn. Based on analysis of the results, it was concluded that the developed RC4 simulation application has met the criteria of validity, effectiveness and practicality

    Augmented Reality Markerless in Cultural Heritage of Menara Kudus Android Based

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    Kudus has a slogan Gusjigang "Bagus Ngaji Dagang". This is because Kudus is one of the cities that is granted 2 Sunan namely Sunan Kudus and Sunan Muria. One of Sunan Kudus's remains is the Holy Tower. Where to be one of the protected cultural heritage by the government. Many cultures in the city of Kudus make the city of Kudus become one of the religious tourism destinations. As technology evolves, the cultural blend of the sacred Tower is packed into a three-dimension combined with augmented reality technology. With the marker less method, the preservation of the culture of the Tower of the Holy became one of the world's cultural heritage

    Rancang Bagun Aplikasi Mobile Ekatalog Berbasis IOS Sebagai Media Bantu Pengenalan Produk Miulan

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    Miulan Hijab is a business entity who produces hijab and Muslim clothing for the ladies. Most of the current consumers are those who actively using the social media. The social media such as twitter and Facebook views the products in a timeline (based on the time update) making it difficult to show the well-organized product. However miulanhijab.com website is used as a landing page, or marketing media. But the website does not have an optimum display when opened using an iOS device. Now Miulan hijab businesses is booming, this make Miulan requires an alternative media to develop the brand and the business to a higher segment. This research is a forward engineering research. Forward engineering: life cycle engineering begins from the plan, analysis, and construct, until applied. This research will explain how to develop a mobile application with the iOS platform as a supplementary media for Miulan hijab product introduction. The expected contribution is to provide a design for mobile application developers of iOS-based eCatalog. The details of the development of this application will be reviewed in the report


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    Musem sebagai salah satu tempat yang dapat dijadikan sebagai sumber sejarah dapat dimanfaatkan semaksimal mungkin dengan memanfaatkan teknologi yang ada agar fungsi dan manfaat yang di peroleh lebih maksimal dan berdaya guna. Rancang Bangun Aplikasi E- Museum ini merupakan sebuah inovasi baru yang memanfaatkan teknologi informasi untuk bidang pemanduan yang akan di implementasikan pada musium. Bertujuan untuk membantu bahkan dapat menggantikan seorang pemandu di musium dengan memanfaatkan perangkat mobile yang dimiliki oleh pengunjung dengan memanfaatkan fasilitas bluetooth (1) dan wireless (2), seperti ponsel dan laptop karena mengingat terbatasnya jumlah tenaga pemandu pada musium. Keberadaan aplikasi Digital museum ini diharapkan agar dapat meningkatkan minat masyarakat khususnya para pelajar untuk berkunjung, belajar dan menggali sejarah – sejarah berbagai macam hal terutama mengenai budaya Bangsa Indonesia yang sangat beragam. Metode pengembangan sistem yang digunakan yaitu model Prototype (3) yang meliputi analisa kebutuhan sistem, Membangun prototyping, Evaluasi prototyping, Mengkodekan sistem, Menguji sistem, Evaluasi Sistem, Menggunakan sistem. Hasil pembuatan Desain Prototipe Digital Museum ini adalah sebuah aplikasi pemanduan satu arah berbasis mobile, yang dapat menjelaskan sejarah dari benda – benda koleksi kepada pengunjung

    Augmented Reality Markerless in Cultural Heritage of Menara Kudus Android Based

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    Kudus has a slogan Gusjigang "Bagus Ngaji Dagang". This is because Kudus is one of the cities that is granted 2 Sunan namely Sunan Kudus and Sunan Muria. One of Sunan Kudus's remains is the Holy Tower. Where to be one of the protected cultural heritage by the government. Many cultures in the city of Kudus make the city of Kudus become one of the religious tourism destinations. As technology evolves, the cultural blend of the sacred Tower is packed into a three-dimension combined with augmented reality technology. With the marker less method, the preservation of the culture of the Tower of the Holy became one of the world's cultural heritage